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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - ball


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 biographical name John died 1381 English priest & social agitator BALL  I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English bal, probably from Old English *beall; akin to Old English bealluc testis, Old High German ~a ~, Old Norse bollr, Old English blawan to blowmore at blow  Date: 13th century  1. a round or roundish body or mass: as  a. a spherical or ovoid body used in a game or sport a tennis ~ — used figuratively in phrases like the ~ is in your court to indicate who has the responsibility or opportunity for further action  b. earth, globe  c. a spherical or conical projectile; also projectiles used in firearms  d. a roundish protuberant anatomical structure (as near the tip of a human finger or toe or at the base of a thumb); especially the part of the sole of the human foot between the toes and arch on which the main weight of the body rests in normal walking  2.  a. often vulgar testis  b. plural  (1) often vulgar nonsense — often used interjectionally  (2) often vulgar nerve 3  3. a game in which a ~ is thrown, kicked, or struck; also quality of play in such a game  4.  a. a pitch not swung at by the batter that fails to pass through the strike zone  b. a hit or thrown ~ in various games foul ~  II. verb  Date: 1658  transitive verb  1. to form or gather into a ~ ~ed the paper into a wad  2. usually vulgar to have sexual intercourse with  intransitive verb  1. to form or gather into a ~  2. usually vulgar to engage in sexual intercourse  III. noun  Etymology: French bal, from Old French, from ~er to dance, from Late Latin ~are, from Greek ~izein  Date: circa 1639  1. a large formal gathering for social dancing  2. a very pleasant experience ; a good time everyone had a ~ at the wedding BALLAD STANZA  noun  Date: 1856 a stanza consisting of four lines with the first and third lines unrhymed iambic tetrameters and the second and fourth lines rhymed iambic trimeters
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  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a solid or hollow sphere, esp. for use in a game. 2 a a ball-shaped object; material forming the shape of a ball (ball of snow; ball of wool; rolled himself into a ball). b a rounded part of the body (ball of the foot). 3 a solid non-explosive missile for a cannon etc. 4 a single delivery of a ball in cricket, baseball, etc., or passing of a ball in football. 5 (in pl.) coarse sl. a the testicles. b (usu. as an exclam. of contempt) nonsense, rubbish. c = balls-up. d courage, 'guts'. Usage Sense 5 is usually considered a taboo use. --v. 1 tr. squeeze or wind into a ball. 2 intr. form or gather into a ball or balls. Phrases and idioms ball-and-socket joint Anat. a joint in which a rounded end lies in a concave cup or socket, allowing freedom of movement. ball-bearing 1 a bearing in which the two halves are separated by a ring of small metal balls which reduce friction. 2 one of these balls. ball game 1 a any game played with a ball. b US a game of baseball. 2 esp. US colloq. a particular affair or concern (a whole new ball game). the ball is in your etc. court you etc. must be next to act. ball lightning a rare globular form of lightning. ball-point (pen) a pen with a tiny ball as its writing point. balls (or ball) up coarse sl. bungle; make a mess of. balls-up n. coarse sl. a mess; a confused or bungled situation. have the ball at one's feet have one's best opportunity. keep the ball rolling maintain the momentum of an activity. on the ball colloq. alert. play ball colloq. cooperate. start etc. the ball rolling set an activity in motion; make a start. Etymology: ME f. ON b{ouml}llr f. Gmc 2. n. 1 a formal social gathering for dancing. 2 sl. an enjoyable time (esp. have a ball). Etymology: F bal f. LL ballare to dance ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) шар(ик) 2) шаровой наконечник 3) шаровая опора 4) ком комковать(ся); образовывать комья 5) электрон. шариковый вывод; сферический электрод 6) буртик венчика бутылки - breaker ball - carbide ball - clay ball - cylinder check ball - golf ball - grinding balls - hand lever ball - headache ball - lever ball - link ball - master ball - petroleum tar ball - petroleum ball - sparking ball - spark ball - track ball - tracker ball - tracking ball - trunnion ball ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  шар; шарик, комок шаровой шарнир eye ball fiber ball Kelly ball polystyrene foam balls wrecking ball ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) шар 2) шаровой элемент; шарик 3) ком, комок комковаться, образовывать комки 4) налипать 5) клубок собирать(ся) в клубок 6) авто шаровая опора 7) шаровой 8) шариковый - abacus ball - closed ball - compact ball - empty ball - fire ball - generalized ball - geodesic ball - haired ball - noncollapsing ball - open ball - puddle ball - punctured ball - spark ball - squeeze ball - standard ball - tangent ball - unit ball ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) округлое тело 2) клубок сросток семян; семенная коробочка; шаровидный плод – ball of knee – ball of thumb – button ball – cramp ball – deer ball – egg ball – fatty ball of Bichat – germ ball – smut balls – touch ball ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  бол В бейсболе baseball: мяч, поданный питчером pitcher вне зоны удара и зафиксированный судьей до нанесения бэттером batter удара по мячу. Если при броске у питчера будет 4 бола, то бэттер занимает первую базу base ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. шар terrestrial ball —- возв. земной шар the Earth is a ball —- Земля - шар meat balls —- фрикадельки, тефтели moth balls —- нафталиновые шарики ball of wool —- клубок шерсти ball of cotton —- ватный шарик balls of mud —- комья грязи ball of fire —- огненный шар (о солнце, молнии, атомном взрыве и т. п.) 2. шаровидный объект ball of earth —- с-х. "стул", ком земли, окружающий корни растения ball plant —- растение с комом земли ball planting —- посадка с комом земли ball mill —- тех. шаровая мельница ball mount —- воен. шаровая установка; ав. сферическая турельная установка ball pyrite —- геол. шаровидное включение пирита 3. мяч stationary ball —- неподвижный мяч (футбол) dead ball, ball out of play —- спорт. мяч вне игры the ball is in play —- спорт. мяч вне игры to kick the ball about —- гонять мяч 4. спорт. удар, бросок (мячом) good ball —- точный удар (бросок) adopted ball —- засчитанный мяч 5. пуля; снаряд; ядро powder and balls —- порох и пули smoke ball —- воен. дымовой снаряд; дымовая бомба ball ammunition —- боевые патроны общего назначения (с обыкновенными пулями) 6. ам. бейсбол to play ball —- играть в бейсбол 7. вет. пилюля 8. редк. баллотировочный шар 9. бот. шаровидный плод 10. бот. семенная коробочка 11. бот. клубок семян 12. уст. держава (символ власти) the sceptre and the ball —- скипетр и держава 13....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) шар; клубок (шерсти)  2) мяч  3) удар (мячом) - good ball  4) бейсбол  5) пуля; hist. ядро  6) подушечка пальца  7) vet. пилюля  8) pl.; coll. чепуха to make balls of smth. - натворить дел, напутать, привести что-л. в беспорядок - ball-and-socket joint - ball of the eye - ball of the knee - ball of fortune three (golden) balls вывеска ростовщика, дающего деньги под заклад to have the ball at ones feet быть господином положения; иметь шансы на успех to strike the ball under the line потерпеть неудачу to take up the ball  а) вступать в разговор;  б) приступать к чему-л. to keep the ball rolling, to keep up the ball  а) поддерживать разговор;  б) продолжать делать что-л. to catch/take the ball before the bound действовать слишком поспешно the ball is with you очередь за вами - carry the ball - get on the ball! - on the ball  2. v. собирать(ся) в клубок; свивать(ся) - ball up II noun бал, танцевальный вечер - open the ball - lead up the ball Syn: see celebration BALL bearing noun шарикоподшипник BALL boy noun мальчик, подающий мячи (на корте) BALL girl noun девочка, подающая мячи (на корте) BALL of fortune игрушка судьбы BALL of the eye глазное яблоко BALL of the knee коленная чашка BALL point pen шариковая ручка; BALL up  а) sl. приводить в смущение; путать  б) sl. срывать (дело, план) now youve opened your big mouth, youve balled up the whole plan открыв свой рот, ты сорвал весь план  в) sl. провалиться на экзамене ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (balls, balling, balled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A ball is a round object that is used in games such as tennis, baseball, football, basketball, and cricket. ...a golf ball. ...a tennis ball. N-COUNT 2. A ball is something or an amount of something that has a round shape. Thomas screwed the letter up into a ball... They heard a loud explosion and saw a ball of fire go up. N-COUNT: oft N of n 3. When you ball something or when it balls, it becomes round. He picked up the sheets of paper, and balled them tightly in his fists... His hands balled into fists... VERB: V n adv/prep, V adv/prep 4. The ball of your foot or the ball of your thumb is the rounded part where your toes join your foot or where your thumb joins your hand. N-COUNT: usu the N of n 5. A ball is a large formal social event at which people dance. N-COUNT 6. A man’s balls are his testicles. (INFORMAL, RUDE) N-COUNT: usu pl 7. see also balls 8. If you say that the ball is in someone’s court, you mean that it is his or her responsibility to take the next action or decision in a situation. The ball’s now in your court–you have to decide what you’re going to do. PHRASE: V inflects 9. If you get the ball rolling, set the ball rolling, or start the ball rolling, you start something happening. He will go to the Middle East next week to get the ball rolling again on peace talks... PHRASE: V inflects 10. If someone is on the ball, they are very alert and aware of what is happening. She really is on the ball; she’s bought houses at auctions so she knows what she’s doing. PHRASE: v-link PHR 11. If someone refuses to play ball, they are unwilling to do what someone wants them to do. (INFORMAL) The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks and building societies refuse to play ball. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »TO PLAY WITH« a round object that is thrown, kicked, or hit in a game or sport  (Bounce the ball to me. | a tennis ball) 2 »ROUND SHAPE« something formed or rolled into a round shape  (a ball of string | Shape the dough into balls.) 3 the ball of the foot/hand/thumb the rounded part of the foot at the base of the toe, rounded part of the hand at the base of the thumb or fingers  (- see also eyeball1 (1)) 4 a fast/good/curved etc ball a ball that is thrown, hit, or kicked fast etc in a game or sport  (He hit a long ball to right field.) 5 no ball a ball that is thrown too high, low etc towards someone trying to hit it, in the games of cricket (2) or rounders (2) 6 »BASEBALL« AmE a ball thrown in baseball that a player is not expected to hit because it is not within the correct area 7 »BULLET« a round bullet fired from a type of gun that was used in the past 8 on the ball informal thinking or acting quickly  (We need an assistant who's really on the ball.) 9 set/start the ball rolling to begin an activity or event or make sure it continues  (Let's start the ball rolling with a few suggestions.) 10 the ball is in your court it is your turn to take action or to reply  (I've sent him a letter, now the ball's in his court.) 11 »DANCE« a large formal occasion at which people dance 12 have a ball informal to have a very good time  (We had a ball at the party last night.) 13 balls plural a) testicles b) taboo spoken courage or determination  (It's not going to be easy. It'll take fight. Guts. Balls.) c) BrE taboo spoken something that is stupid or wrong; nonsense  (That's a load of balls!) 14 a ball of fire someone who has a lot of energy and is active and successful 15 the whole ball of wax AmE informal the whole thing; everything 16 ball-buster/ball-breaker AmE slang a) a problem that is very difficult to deal with b) an offensive word for a woman who uses her authority over men  (- see also balls1, not play ball play1 (24)) ~2 v 1 also ball up to form something into a small round shape so that it takes up less...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Ballston Spa National Bank of New York ...
English abbreviation dictionary
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